Thursday, August 13, 2009

"Show Your Heart"

My creative friend, Melissa, has tagged me to "Show My Heart". Here are the rules:

"With as much creativity as you can muster, show your heart in: a picture, a poem, a song (or piece of music), a phrase (or quote), an item of clothing, a place, and (just for fun) a Disney princess (or hero). If you want to join in, tag six more blogs."

So here's my heart in . . .

a photo:
The two most amazing kids in the whole wide world!

a poem:

His lamp am I, to shine where He shall say
And lamps are not for sunny rooms
Nor for the light of day;
But for the dark places of the earth
Where shame and crime and wrong have birth;
Or for the murky twilight gray
Where wandering sheep have gone astray,
Or where the light of faith grows dim
And souls are groping after Him.
And as sometimes a flame we find,
Clear shining through the night
So bright we do not see the lamp
But only see the light
So may I shine -- His light, the flame
That men may glorify His name.

- Annie Johnson Flint

a song:

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

a quote:

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the fullest."
- Jesus
(John 10:10)

an article of clothing:
Jeans and heels. That's definitely me!

a place:

This is where I went to boarding school as a kid.
Located in the Colombian Andes foothills, it was a child's paradise (aside from missing your parents).
Surrounded by beauty and plenty of fun things to do
and places to explore and have adventures -- I have many happy memories here.
This recent photo doesn't do it justice. The place was really amazing back in my day.

a Disney Princess:
I'm skipping this part because, honestly, I can't think which one best describes me. But I like the songs from Beauty and the Beast. Also Little Mermaid.

So now I'm tagging whoever wants to join in the fun and "Show Your Heart". Just leave me a comment so I can find out what you share about yourself on your blog.

Let the fun begin!


Anonymous said...

awww i love this!!

Melissa G said...

That was fun to read! Thanks for playing along!

Anne Lang Bundy said...

Angela, your heart is beautifully pictured here. I'll confess it was already planned, but my post for tomorrow has a picture of my heart. You're in it too.