Monday, January 18, 2010


Remembering. . .

twelve years ago today, holding my tiny firstborn in my arms, marveling at the miracle he is, my heart filled with wonder and gratitude.

Even now he still amazes me.

Thanking the Father for such a precious gift.

These are 12 things I admire, appreciate and respect about my son.

  • His love for Jesus. From an early age, his heart has longed for God.
  • His crazy sense of humor. It's so much fun to laugh together.
  • He is kind and gentle, especially with little kids.
  • His courage. He keeps going even when it's hard and he's afraid.
  • He watches out for his little sister.
  • His desire to help and offer his strength on behalf of others.
  • His honesty. He isn't afraid to be honest with God or with me.
  • His ability to make friends wherever he goes. When he was four years old, I cautioned him against talking to strangers. His response, "But Mommy, if you tell them your name, you're not strangers anymore. " I think that's still his philosophy.
  • His willingness to forgive -- no matter what.
  • His curiosity about life and his love of learning new things.
  • His adventurous spirit.
  • Finally, that he rescues me from frogs and toads without complaining, even in the middle of the night. (smile)

Steven, you're awesome!
Happy Birthday, Son!

holy experience


Jenny said...

What a beautiful tribute to your son...a sweet soul. Blessings...

Melissa G said...

Happy Birthday to Steven!!
He is good with little kids, Elijah had fun with him that day we were there!