Monday, March 15, 2010


Details get missed from a distance.  

Stepping closer, leaning in and gazing deep, I see.  Really see.

This tiny, perfect beauty is a reminder.  God cares about the details.

He draws me closer.  Pulling me into His arms, lifting my head, looking deep and seeing me.

And I see Him.

Seeing His grace in the details of my life. . .

185.  lovely new blossoms on my rose bushes
186.  a song I've never heard before
187.  friends that feel like home
188.  hard, strong words of love that make me grow
189.  a glorious sunset 
190.  watching Him care for the hearts of my children
191.  words of encouragement reminding me I can trust Him
192.  desperate needs being met with unexpected and abundant provision
193.  feeling His presence with me, even when I'm busy with life
194.  His strength laying my fears to rest

The LORD directs the steps of the godly, He delights in every detail of their lives.
Psalm 37:23

photo courtesy of

holy experience

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