Wednesday, March 3, 2010


The day comes with its gifts of challenges and delights. 

My mind has slipped into a habit of dwelling on difficulties, uncertainties, the things I cannot control.  These thoughts grow into anxiety, worry, distress, discouragement and unrest in my heart. 

Jesus invites me to a different path.

To look in His eyes, see His compassion for me, trust in His goodness and loving care.  To let my thoughts linger on His beauty and strength.   To fill my mind with His words of life and truth, and let my heart be quieted with His peace.

"Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."  Matt. 11:28-30

Reflecting on what it means to walk in step with Jesus, side by side, I see Him living in trust with the Father, thinking His thoughts, letting His life flow out to others.  In the same way, He wants me to surrender my heart and mind to Him, letting Him live through me today.  

These difficulties I face are specially-wrapped gifts that He asks me to trust Him to work out.  They are designed to draw my gaze to Him, trusting Him to come through for me.  So with gratitude, I can thank Him for the very things I have been worrying about.  And let them go.

holy experience


Annesta said...

I to struggle with thoughts that wonder away from the comfort and love that Abba Father can give me. My gaze moves away from His eyes and I become obsessed with myself and my difficulties and uncertainties; self obsessed and not God obsessed.
Your post beautifully shows how we are called to walk in step with Him, letting His life flow from us to others to bring ultimate glory to Him.
I am so glad I stopped by for your encouraging words today.

Solid Rock or Sinking Sand said...

Angela, I just love this verse where my Lord promises to share all my burdens in life. I really enjoyed reading your blog. May our Lord continue to work through you. God bless, Lloyd

livinginbetween said...

I too struggle with anxiety. I too get into a bad habit of dwelling on the wrong things.

Whatever is true, whatever is lovely . . .

This is what I point to and hope for.

Thanks for sharing (saw your link at (in)courage). Lovely blog!

Carrien Blue said...

You are lovely. :)